Monday, February 13, 2012

Podcast: Hieroglyphics: 3,000 B.C.

In the sixth century BC, what three civilizations invaded Egypt?
-Persians, greeks, and romans

Post an example of the inside wall(s) of an Ancient Egyptian temple.
What was discovered on the inside of the temples?
-carved and painted images written in egyptian hieroglyphics

Scholars believe that Ancient Egyptians were inspired and influenced by which written language?

What is the difference between logographic and alphabetic elements?
-logograms: visual symbols representing ideas or objects
                                                      -generally stylized and simplified

The term Hieroglyphic derived from what two Greek words?
-heiro= sacred
-glyphic= engraving or writing

What is a scribe?
-a school where you learned how to read and write

Who else was trained to read and write? Why?

-military leaders so they could communicate while in battle

Post an example of hieroglyphics on papyrus.
What is papyrus and how was it made?
-substrate made from reeds native to egypt; criss cross wet reeds

What is a substrate?
-responsible for writing a set of scrolls

What were the Books of the Dead?

How did Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics become a forgotten language?

-those who could read and write hieroglyphics disappeared

Post an example of the Rosetta Stone.
What is the Rosetta Stone? Where was it discovered?
-french soldiers found it while building a fort in rosetta

What three languages are included on the stone?
-egyptian hieroglyphics, demotic, and greek

Why couldn't
 the text on the Stone be deciphered?
-a chunk of the stone was missing and none of the texts were complete

Who finally deciphered the text? What was his breakthrough?
-the british; champollion; he was able to match up the symbols with the greek versions of the name egyptian pharoah ramses

Why does the interpretation of the Rosetta Stone have such significance?

-it told us a great deal about the ancient egyptians and hieroglyphics


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