Job Description:
Sports photographers do a number of photographic jobs surrounding sports and sporting events. As basic photography equipment became easier to use, more people began considering sports photography as a career.
-knowledge of cameras
-knowledge of lighting
-knowledge of lenses and flashes of cameras
Education Requirements:
-bachelor of arts and photography
-bachelor's degree in arts, business, or marketing
-a polished portfolio
-you can start off at small sporting events and eventually make your way to shooting at larger events
Employment Settings:
-at a game or outside on the field somewhere
-personal shoots involving one or few people (posed shots)
-varies a lot on what kind of photos you take/where they are taken etc.
-most sports photographers' salaries average at about $24,000 a year
-professional salaries can be about $45,000 a year
-make a portfolio of pictures you have taken
-call the local newspaper or someone who needs a photo taken
-contact local schools and see if they will use you for sporting events
Production artist:
-last person to see a design before it is published
-have a background of graphic design and computers
-bachelors degree in graphic design
-salary is from $60-$250 a month
Art director:
-supervises and critiques the visual appearance so that it meets the clients needs
-degree in graphic design or advertising
-$35,000-$83,000 a year
Creative director:
-oversee the design of the project and make sure clients needs are met
-good in management/leadership skills/organization
-some degree of visual and management experience
-$52,000-$112,000 a year
-creates images from printed materials
-develops everything from books to greetings to advertisements
-good techniques, creative mind, internships, classes that look into illustrating, bachelors in fine arts
Web designer:
-responsible for creating webpages for a client and giving a look for the website
-strong verbal and visual communication skills, knowledge of FTP and other programs that have variety of functions
-2 or 4 year college degree in something related to web designing
-$51,000-$74,000 per year
Package designer:
-create and design packaging for different products
-bachelors degree in communication and general knowledge of folds and creases of packages
Comic book artist:
-creates comics for the pleasure of the people who read them
-degree in fine arts or drawing
-listening, learning, and keeping up with current trends
-$53,000-$75,000 depending on comic sales
Graphic design:
-communicate visually and create advertisements for other companies
-bachelors degree in graphic design and a wide variety of skills
-average salary is $40,000-$60,000
Publication designer:
-creates designs, concepts, and sample layouts
-graphics skills and page layout skills
-bachelors degree in graphics
Storyboard artist:
-translates screenplays or sequences into a series of illustrations
-ability to think cinematically
-degree in fine arts and graphics
-under $30,000
AIGA: American Institute of Graphic Arts
-showing and inspiring designers through graphics
-graphic designers' work and legal help involving designers
SPD: Society of Publication Designers
-promotes editorial design (magazines)
-offer internships and educations
Portrait photographer:
-take pictures with creativity and capture facial expressions; picture wants to include body and face (not much focus on background)
-be creative
-bachelor of arts and photography with a portfolio
Computer Animator:
-work with computers to make their ideas come to life
-artistic ability. familiarization with computer programs, creativity
-knowledge of animation programs and artistic experience
-$61,000 a year
PIAG: Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia
-to educate the public about the importance of print, to act as a catalyst for growth of the printing and imaging industry, and to strengthen and support its members through valuable education and business resources
Documentary photographer:
-popular form of photography used to capture significant and historical events
-bachelors degree in photo journalism, training photography, and photo design software
-experience in photography, passion for current events and world history, adaptable to change
Advertising photography:
-take pictures of various subjects, products, and other images for promotion purposes
-how to use a digital camera and process film, knowledge of photoshop or other graphics programs, experience in other areas of photography
-bachelors in anything involving photo or fine arts
Editorial photography:
-take pictures for magazines (cover image or images that go along with the article)
-need to know how to use a digital camera, photoshop, and illustrator
-bachelors in photo 0r fine arts
Fashion photographer:
-genre of photo devoted to displaying clothing and other fashion items
-knowledge of photo, designers, fashion, good communication skills
-associates or bachelors in professional photography
Photo journalist:
-take pictures that tell stories and compliment newsworthy articles
-photography skills, usage of cameras, technology, and ways to take pictures
-college degree in photo or something related
PPA: Professional photographers of america
-largest non-profit association for photographers
-over 22,000 members in 54 different countries
APA: American photographic artist
-campaign and speak for one voice for the advertising industry
-get entered to win contests
NAPP: National association of photoshop users
-a group of people who enhance light source and prep photos for online use
-bachelors in digital photography and know all about photoshop
-NPPA: National press photographers association
-represents and protects photo journalists in the field