Monday, February 13, 2012

Podcast: Cuneiform: 3.000 B.C.

The Sumerians were one of the earliest types of this kind of civilization? What does that mean?
-nomadic; they move from place to place

Why is the region of Sumer considered the Cradle of Civilization?
-it is where cuneiform was created

What could the Sumerians practice year round because of the regions climate?

Post an example of early Cuneiform (Sumerian pictograph).
Why was Cuneiform created?-to help track business transactions

What medium was used to "write" Cuneiform? Explain the process of preparing and writing on this surface?
-clay tablets; they would wet the clay and form it into tablets; lay them in the sun allowing them to harden

What did Cuneiform begin as a series of?

Post an example of evolved Cuneiform (wedge-shaped).
After it evolved over time, what shape did the characters of Cuneiform evolve into?
-they became wedge-shaped

Post an example of Akkadian Cuneiform.
After the Akkadians conquered, what happened to the Sumerian culture and written language?
-the akkadians adopted the sumerian culture

What is a pictograph?
-a pictorial or visual representation of an object

Why did the creation of Cuneiform allow the Sumerians to become a sophisticated culture?

-pictographs; sumerians became a target for many invading civilizations

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