Why is it important to identify safety issues and to safely operate equipment utilized in the classroom?
-It is important to keep everyone safe in the workplace
How do interpersonal and employability skills affect both your everyday life, and your future?
-If you learn them early, they you will be more comfortable and accurate when in a workplace; they help you get a task done efficiently and quickly
-If you learn them early, they you will be more comfortable and accurate when in a workplace; they help you get a task done efficiently and quickly
What is graphic design and why is it important to communicate visually?
-Creating a message visually; it is important to communicate visually because of disabilities and language barriers. Some people are also visual learners
-Creating a message visually; it is important to communicate visually because of disabilities and language barriers. Some people are also visual learners
What is a vector-based design and how is it created?
-Vector-based designs are graphics that are comprised of paths, which are defined by a start and end point. These paths are created by using the pen tool in the Illustrator application.
How is color used effectively in a graphic design?
-Color can be used to add interest and contrast to a graphic design
What is a raster-based image and how is it created?
-Raster-based images are created with squares called pixels that are used to define an image
How does the manipulation of size and resolution effect digital images?
-Size and resolution can determine the quality of a digital image as well as the overall appearance
What is the function of type within a design?
-The function of type is to make an image more interesting or to convey a message that is very important
How do designers use a page layout program?
-Page layout is used to arrange things a certain way on a page to look good
What steps does a designer take to design a page layout from concept to final product?
-research, sketch, blueprints, brainstorm, create, revise
What are the key developments in the history visual communication? How did these developments shape our industry?
-Some key developments in the history visual communications include the invention of the printing press, cuneiform, alphabets, and early cameras. These developments are used today for many useful things. Without them, life would be much more difficult. For example, we wouldn't be able to print mass products of books or magazines without the invention of the printing press.
What careers are available within the field of graphic design? What professional organizations are associated with the industry?
-Many careers are available within the field of graphic design, such as an illustrator, a web designer, a comic book artist, a package designer, and many more. Organizations that are associated with graphic design include NAPP, NPPA, APA, and PPA.
What is the function of type within a design?
-The function of type is to make an image more interesting or to convey a message that is very important
How do designers use a page layout program?
-Page layout is used to arrange things a certain way on a page to look good
What steps does a designer take to design a page layout from concept to final product?
-research, sketch, blueprints, brainstorm, create, revise
What are the key developments in the history visual communication? How did these developments shape our industry?
-Some key developments in the history visual communications include the invention of the printing press, cuneiform, alphabets, and early cameras. These developments are used today for many useful things. Without them, life would be much more difficult. For example, we wouldn't be able to print mass products of books or magazines without the invention of the printing press.
What careers are available within the field of graphic design? What professional organizations are associated with the industry?
-Many careers are available within the field of graphic design, such as an illustrator, a web designer, a comic book artist, a package designer, and many more. Organizations that are associated with graphic design include NAPP, NPPA, APA, and PPA.