Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 5


This image uses many different shapes. The background is made using rectangles, as well as the main rectangle on top of it. On the main rectangle there are also two circles. The shapes enhance this image by adding texture and depth.


This images uses the design of line to do many things. Curved lines are mostly used in this design to create distance, as well as different textures. Lines enhance this image by creating different surfaces. They also bring the viewers eye to the top of the picture, which adds the effect of distance.


This picture of pasta represents texture very well. The swirls on the noodles create a rough looking touch. The edges of the pasta also look as if they could be sharp. Texture enhances this image by allowing someone to think they could actually feel the picture.


The image of this staircase creates the element of space. When you first look at this image, your eye is immediately drawn to the staircase, but the space around it adds just as much to the photo. The angle of the staircase adds interest, as well as the open space to the left of the staircase.


In this black and white picture of clouds, value is a big aspect. Not only does it create interest, but it shows you that there is more than one cloud. There is a darker cloud in front, followed by a light cloud, and more dark clouds in the distance. The light color enhances the image as well.


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