Friday, September 30, 2011

Podcast #2 Color Theory

The right use of color can do what?
-maximize productivity, minimize visual fatigue, and relax the whole body
Within the electromagnetic spectrum, which waves allow us to see color?
-visible light waves
Describe white light?
-equal parts of all colors in visible light spectrum
How do we see color if objects "have no color of their own"?
-when they absorb or reflect colors in the visible light spectrum
What is a glass prism?
-transparent triangular object that breaks white light into all the colors of the visible light spectrum
What seven colors result when white light is refracted through a prism?
-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet
Describe hue?
the color itself
When does white light occur?
-when all the wavelengths are reflected back to your eye
When does black light occur?
-when no light is reflected back to your eye
How color is perceived depends on what?
-the type of light it is seen with
What is a color wheel?
-a visual tool that shows the relationship between primary, secondary, and tertiary colors
What are primary colors? Name them?
-red, yellow, and blue

What are secondary colors? Name them?
-orange, green, and violet
What are tertiary colors? Name them?
-named by the two colors that are used to create them (red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, etc.)-primary colors are named first

What are neutral colors? How can they be created?
-don't show up on the color wheel
-colors of very low saturation (intensity of the color)
-blacks, grays, whites, and browns
-created by mixing a complementary color pair

How can a neutral color help a design?
-neutral colors help put the focus on other colors or serve to tone down overpowering colors
What are complementary colors? Name them?
-colors that are opposite of each other on a color wheel
-red and green, orange and blue, yellow and violet

What is color value?
-lightness or darkness of the hue
What is a shade?
-adding black to a hue to produce a low-value color
What is a tint?
-adding white to a hue to produce a high-value color
What is saturation/intensity?
-brightness of a color
What happens when you mix complementary colors together?
-produces a dull tone
Describe color harmony?
-a pleasing arrangement of parts
-pleasing to the eye

What is a color scheme?
-harmonious color combinations used to create style and appeal
Describe a monochromatic color scheme?
-uses tints and shades (values) of one color
Describe an analogous color scheme?
-uses 3 adjacent colors (one dominant and two used to enrich the scheme)
Describe a complementary color scheme?
-uses 2 colors opposite of each other on a color wheel
Describe a split-complementary color scheme?
-uses 3 colors (1 color, 2 adjacent)
Describe a triadic color scheme?
-uses 3 colors equally spaced around a color wheel
What colors are considered to be warm colors?
-yellows, oranges, and reds
Describe a warm color scheme?
-bold and energetic
What colors are considered to be cool colors?
-blues, greens, and violets
Describe a cool color scheme?
-passiveness, comfort, nurturing
Why is important to consider which colors are being used within a design?
-the meaning of color impacts all visual communications; it is important to understand how color is used in out culture

Friday, September 23, 2011

Review Week 6

What is the pen tool used for?
-The pen tool is used for tracing images and create smooth and curved shapes

How can you manipulate a path/line in Illustrator? Discuss the use of the white arrow tool, pen+, pen-, and convert too..
-The white arrow tool is used to manipulate the curves or lines of an object. The pen+ and pen- tools is used to add or delete anchor points from the shape.

How can you utilize the layers palette in Illustrator?
-The layers palette can be used to put different images on that you are tracing. In this palette, you can hide layers, so that only your work will be visible on the page.

How do you create a clipping mask in Adobe Illustrator?
-To create a clipping mask, you must make a rectangle around the part you want to be visible. Make sure that there is no line color or fill color. Then, you have to send the rectangle to the back. After that, you highlight your work and click "object" and then "clipping mask."

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Review Week 5


This image uses many different shapes. The background is made using rectangles, as well as the main rectangle on top of it. On the main rectangle there are also two circles. The shapes enhance this image by adding texture and depth.


This images uses the design of line to do many things. Curved lines are mostly used in this design to create distance, as well as different textures. Lines enhance this image by creating different surfaces. They also bring the viewers eye to the top of the picture, which adds the effect of distance.


This picture of pasta represents texture very well. The swirls on the noodles create a rough looking touch. The edges of the pasta also look as if they could be sharp. Texture enhances this image by allowing someone to think they could actually feel the picture.


The image of this staircase creates the element of space. When you first look at this image, your eye is immediately drawn to the staircase, but the space around it adds just as much to the photo. The angle of the staircase adds interest, as well as the open space to the left of the staircase.


In this black and white picture of clouds, value is a big aspect. Not only does it create interest, but it shows you that there is more than one cloud. There is a darker cloud in front, followed by a light cloud, and more dark clouds in the distance. The light color enhances the image as well.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Review Week 4

Why/how can icons be used to communicate?
-Icons can be used to communicate visually for impaired people, or people who are better at visual learning. They can also send universal messages.

Via the internet, find 2 examples of common icons that clearly communicate their message. Post both in this entry.

What is the difference between copyright and public domain?
-Public domain contains no protection on the work; it is free for the public to use.

How can you avoid plagairism in this class? In other classes?
You can either give credit when using someone else's work, or you use other people's ideas to create a new and improved design.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Blog Week 3

What is OSHA? What do the letters stand for?
-OHSA stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration. It is an organization provided to create a safe working environment.

How can graphic designers effectively communicate? In your own words, explain the communication process.
-Research and figure out the best and most efficient way to present something. The communication process is a guide that helps graphic designers figure out how to present their work.

Understanding the history, culture and movements of fine and graphic arts will make you a better producer of visual messages. Why?
-It allows you to learn from other people's mistakes and use the base of their ideas to create something new and better.

Intro Goals

I took this class because i like working with computers. This class was also recommended to me by friends. I also would like to learn about programs like illustrator and photoshop!

Podcast #1

What does it take to create good graphic design?
-requires an understanding of the elements and principles of graphic design

What is the difference between elements and principles?
-elements are the components and principles tell you how to organize things on the screen

Name the six (6) elements of design.
-shape or form

What can lines aid in, when alone or combined with  other lines or shapes?
-they can aid in the readability, appearance, and message of a design

Which lines suggest a feeling of rest? Why do you think?
-horizontal; they are straight

Vertical lines communicate a feeling of what? Why do you think?
-loftiness; they travel from down to up, or up to down

What lines suggest a feeling of movement? Why do you think?
Diagonal; they travel from low to high

Soft, shallow curved lines suggest what? Why do you think?
-Comfort, safety, and relaxation; they move smoothly through the picture

These lines suggest confusion and turbulence? Why do you think?
-deep acute curves; they are violent

What element defines a specific area of space?

What is the difference between two dimensional shapes and three dimensional shapes?
-2D shapes have width and height; 3D shapes have depth, as well as width and height

Describe the difference between geometric shapes and organic shapes?
-Geometric shapes are structured, often symmetrical; organic shapes are found in nature or can be man made

What are abstract shapes?
-stylized or simplified versions of naturnal shapes

Which basic shape projects an attitude of honesty or equality?

What do triangles suggest?

Circles convey feelings of what?

Describe positive space and negative space?
-positive space is the area which contains all the elements you have added to your design (text, graphics, photos, lines, or shape); negative space refers to the shapes around and between those objects or elements

What is texture?
-the actual surface of a design with the reader actually being able to feel the design

Incorporating texture into a design can help do what?
-create a feeling of richness and depth

What is value?
-the degree of light and dark in a design; the contrast of black and white

What is another name for value?

What can the element of color do when incorporated into a design?
-color can convey moods, create images, attract attention, and identify objects