Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Logotype Notes

-a logotype is a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations, and even individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition

-they are commonly referred to as LOGOS

-many inventions have contributed to the contemporary logo

-as the industrial revolution developed, photography and lithography contributed to the boom of logo advertising

-playful children's books, newspapers, and conversational periodicals developed their own visual and editorial styles for unique, expanding audiences.


5 Principles of Effective Logo Design:

1) Simple: simplicity is neat and easily recognizable
2) Memorable: achieved by keeping it simple and appropriate
3) Timeless: will it stand the test of time? will it still be effective in 20 or 30 years?
4) Versatile: works across a variety of media and applications; designed in a vector format (illustrator) to ensure that they can scale it to any size
5) Appropriate: for the intended audience; child-like should be colorful with a fun font

Spot color: a method of specifying and printing colors in which each color is printed with its own ink

Pantone Matching System:a system by pantone in which every printer in the world uses the same inks

Choose color wisely: color can illicit different feelings and emotions from the audience

Types of Logos:
1. combination mark: a logo or design that contains both text and a visual

Iconic/Symbolic-compelling yet uncomplicated images that are emblematic of a particular company or product
Wordmark/Lettermark- only incorporate text
-Wordmark:whole name

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